Source Code

Venezuelan shit tunnel

When two men are having alternate anal intercourse with a woman and one man takes the fecal residue from his penis and covers the other man's penis with it before he engages the anus.

Tammy was hoping to experience her first Venezuelan shit tunnel while on holiday in Thailand.

by Rmitz April 6, 2017

Venezuelan Oil Check

The act of shoving your finger into someone's asshole and checking how far up your finger the shit marks go, similar to a dip-stick in a car.

Yeah, after I gave Georgine a Venezuelan Oil Check I knew what she had eaten for the last week.

by dbuts December 19, 2016

Venezuelan Handshake

When a girl puts a corn husk onto your penis and jerks you off into a coffee mug.

I usually always start my day with Venezuelan Handshake than a nice cup of joe

by Ben_Seaver April 20, 2009

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venezuelan ass kicking

usually involves rapidly traveling lead

you mess with a Venezuelan you just might get venezuelan ass kicking

by daddy354465 March 9, 2009

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Venezuelan Pit Stop

An adaptation of the famous Irish Pit Stop, this feat is not to be undertaken by the faint of heart.

After a heavy night of drinking, enter a shower with one other person and take a bottle of vodka. Proceed to share the bottle of vodka until the first person starts spewing. This will decide the roles. The losing party needs to abruptly escape the line of firing before they are fully covered in stomach juice, hold the shower door shut and witness the waterworks. As this is an indubitably sensual experience, the watcher will proceed to finger their own chocolate starfish until said finger is covered in faeces. In case the winner’s liquid exorcism is complete, the watcher will then carefully open the shower door, take the covered finger and shallowly insert it into the nose of the other person. This should trigger a final expulsion of the remaining contents. Switch roles if required.

Craig: I tried the Venezuelan Pit Stop on my first date last night, she’s actually coming back for more!

Kenny: Dude no way, the last time I did it I got a restraining order

by sallysucks1337 May 14, 2022

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venezuelan slip and slide

Masturbating on a ratty mattress in the slums of south America while multiple Transexual prostitutes urinate on you until climax.

Change your sheets! Your bed looks like the aftermath of a venezuelan slip and slide!

by Uncle Jerimiah January 24, 2012

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venezuelan choker hold

The act of taking a large constipated shit, right at the peak of passing the shit, the sphincter pauses mid shit, hence "choker"

Jason was taking his morning dump when suddenly he realised his sphincter was distracted by an unwanted Venezuelan Choker Hold!

by MayflyLane February 28, 2016