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run a visa

The term "Run a visa" is used when you are purchasing drugs without cash. To be paid back at a later date.

Hey fam! I don't get paid till Friday. Let me run a visa until then.

by Tommy Spoonz Chicago Tommy74 April 21, 2018

Visa Sleeve

A sleeve tattoo that has no significant meaning whatsoever, that the subject usually buys (hence the visa) for the sake of looking cool. primarily seen on young adults who think they'll look hardcore if they get a giant Koi fish on their arm that they didn't even design.

dude 1- hey man did you see mike's new tattoo? it's of a koi fish which means something in japanese, even tho he's not japanese!

dude 2- He got a visa sleeve? what a fucking tool.

by jewcanoe. July 18, 2011

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Ghetto Visa

1. A goverment funded card that is givin to low income people monthly, that can be used to purchase food or necessities with your tax dollars. Commenly called food stamps or cash assistance.
2. A plastc card that is used at local convience stores to buy candy and soda.
3. A complete waste of your tax money.

Today is the first of the month run down to the store with the Ghetto Visa and pick yourself up A 6 pack and some candy for the kids.

by wasteofspace July 19, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

visa vee

one of the architects limited vocabulary of complex words, other being ergo and concordantly

the very definition of stupidity, visa vee, david smith

by neo November 14, 2003

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Visa johnson

Visa johnson is your mom ๐Ÿค 

Whats your moms name? Visa johnson

by Visa Johnson April 18, 2022

Visa Johnson

Visa Johnson is your mom ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿค 

whats your moms name? Visa Johnson

by Visa Johnson April 18, 2022

Visa Hunter

(Noun). A person (usually British) who searches their prospective country for a local girl to marry in which to obtain a visa and eventually citizenship

Him: Oh hey wanna get married?
Her: oh, I didnโ€™t know you loved me
Him: I donโ€™t, Iโ€™m just a visa hunter

by Lemmingway December 10, 2021