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vulva monkey

A slimy pervert. Someone who is desperate for sex and hits on every chick in a bar and fails.

"Dude, check that vulva monkey...what a fucking loser!!"

by vulva monkey March 18, 2014

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Purple Vulva

The female version of blue balls.

Man, this night didn't make me 'O', now I got purple vulva.

by Blue Mercury October 11, 2014

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vulva vulture

a male addicted to indiscriminate heterosexual acts

That vulva vulture has screwed every whore in Utah and is now laying siege to Sister Josephine!

by philologue October 5, 2011

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bulbous vulva

1)A set of Juice swelled Pussy Lips, it also exposes the clit and makes for a delicous meal.

2)A word to describe someone as a pussy.

She was so horny she had a bulbous vulva and it tasted great.

Hippie 1 dude i dont feel like snorting coke
hippie 2 quit being a bulbous vulva and snort the fucking coke!

by Adam Fultz December 14, 2007

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Vulva Red

Similar to the bright red color of blood on the first day of your period. Full of life, fear, and energy. A color so red, it bleeds mystery.

Rather than Candy Apple Red, I decided to buy a Corvette in Vulva Red for a more powerful look.

by Salty Siren July 17, 2008

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Swollen Vulva

When a person(s) defers to participate in an action that they deem dangerous. Even when such inaction will deem them to be a lesser human in the eyes of their peers!


A physical anomaly that precludes a member of the male gender to urniate in a standing position thus resulting in moderate to extreme hazing from his alleged "friends"

Josh was beyond reproach when asked to catch the football with the "sun" in his eyes!
"Geez Josh, do you have a Swollen Vulva or something!"

Teasing be Damned! Brady always sits to urinate, becasue he hates when he makes a mess due to his Swollen Vulva

by Matt November 29, 2007

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paint her vulva

To ejaculate inside of a woman's vagina.

Thats it baby, paint my vulva!

I'm gonna paint your vulva whore!

Instead of shooting my load in her eye, I opted to paint her vulva...

by Derek D. February 16, 2008

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