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split washer

douche bag. also see monkey wrench

honey can you bring me my split washer

by bdub097 December 5, 2017

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window washer

Someone who enjoys licking and/or tonguing their sex partner's anus.

Tom asked Shannon to tongue his asshole, and she said, "Sorry, I don't do windows".

First I washed her window, then I monkey punched her.

She was a first class window washer, so I gave her a tip.

by Hiccup July 21, 2006

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weenie washer

an overly compliant or conformist individual, esp. male., who displays a willingness to accept humliating tasks in order to gain acceptance by his peers, without being able to see the hidden agenda of said peers. See also Weiner Cleaner.

by jirichiro August 7, 2003

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knuckle washer

when a woman ejaculats on your had via the fingers

That bich was a real knuckle washer

by jacob w November 4, 2007

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cock washer

someone who likes to suck on peni.

that guy is such a cock washer

by woop woop February 14, 2005

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dish washer

a superrior from of t-bagging. one places one's testis in the face of an inferior and begins to "acdivate the spin cycle". At this point the dish washer sipns around and squats up and down.

yo did u see that shit trav? i busted him with my D.eagle then dish washed his shit

by delta11 September 18, 2004

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Washer's fee

The loose coinage or dollars discovered within the washing machine or clothes dryer by the individual(s) tending the machines and/or laundry. (Money usually originates in the pockets of the clothes atricles being washed).

1. My sister black mailed me into doing her laundry for 2 months but the Washer's fee was grand!

2. "Man I could of swore I had like $5.00 bucks on me but it went missing!" "Bet it became Washer's fee dude."

by AJ632160 September 4, 2009

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