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White collar butt fucking

Office workers in the middle or upper class that butt fuck while constantly circling in a revolving door.

Josh and Billy are walking in the same section of a revolving door and keep going around in circles. They are also butt fucking at the same time.

Josh and Billy enjoy an early morning white collar butt fucking.

by Trahsy McTrash February 22, 2011

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White Collar Supremacy

The inherent belief that obtaining degrees or certifications make one more superior or more competent and/or deserving than others.

Why did the 99 percenters stop protesting the white collar supremacy way of life?

by Mr. Pibbles January 21, 2018

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White Collar Thugs 4 Trump

The powerful upper echelon of 45โ€™s base.

We are the White Collar Thugs 4 Trump and we will pay whatever it costs to keep our boy in office in 2020!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 9, 2020

Brown Neck-Tie, White Collar

When you're fucking someone in the ass then pull out and proceed to titty fuck them till you cum on their neck. Leave a brown streak between her tits and a white, cum cobered collar.

I was fucking her in the ass then I pulled out to give her a Brown Neck-Tie, white collar.

by Misfits933 October 5, 2009

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White Collar Crime

Synonymous to the fake elector scheme of 2020

They got caught committing a white collar crime, by attempting to steal the election.

by August 23, 2023

White Collar Terrorist

A business stakeholder who deliberately deploys terrorist like tactics to try to ruin someone's business and life.

Just like conventional terrorism, there are multiple streams of attacks like psychological, financial, and verbal gasligthting, to name a few, all done with consistency and with the intent on making their adversary go crazy.

Taleeb: Lucy, I will get you those documents immediately, I just need to finish this phone call.

Lucy: Ok, I will wait for you, those documents are important.

Taleeb: *clumsily* oh I cant now, I have to go.

Lucy: *Under her breath* That is the 7th time he has done that this week, and he doesnt even have a phone. He really IS a White Collar Terrorist.

by Mike109999 May 10, 2024

White Collar Terrorist

Someone who deliberately tries to sabotage your work, business, or career. Typically, this person works very close to you - whether it be a literal neighbour sharing office space, a jealous coworker, or someone from a competing company.

Their hit jobs are explosive, seemingly unplanned and inconsistent, and leave alot of residue in their wake.

Ari: I hate my coworker so much, she always seems to wait until the perfect time to screw up my weekly reports.

Ted: I worked with a White Collar Terrorist once, I had to leave that company. He would fart in my office right before a client would come for a visit and then leave. He had White Collar Steroids though, so he was untouchable.

Ari: Ugh, That's a Hard Unsubscribe For Me.

by Mike109999 July 29, 2024