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A Wingman is a buddy that takes care of the ugly fat friend who is always standing two feet next to the hot chick you want to get with. The Wingman is also responsible for going along with any lies you may tell during the evening. If you say you are from Italy and are just visiting for the weekend your Wingman is forced to back up that story and any other lies you tell the hot chick.

Rocco was my Wingman last night. He occupied that hot chicks ugly fat friend so I could go in for the kill. Rocco is truly a "Wingman".

by Frak Brunetti November 24, 2004

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A fellow man who makes one or more sacrifices so that you, his friend, can have the best chance at hooking up with a woman in any given situation.

Japser is a thoroughbred wingman: he ate the garlic clove out of that olive so I wouldn't have dragon breath

by Earthface September 12, 2014

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Verb of wingman; actively assiting in getting, or replacing a woman for a bro. This can be at/during a party or in real time.

"Dude, thanks for wingmaning me at the party last night. I totally got laid thanks to you!"

by Alex Gniewek April 5, 2012


The man of choice to get wings with.

Johnny is my go-to wingman, we always get hot wings together.

by reekai August 22, 2019


This is a predetermined friend or associate who's sole interest is running block at casual events or outings for a socially challenged individual creating an otherwise unlikely opportunity for that said individual to hook up with hottest of the species of the opposite sex; a ringer.

Alli ran wingman for her shy buddy Jason by ordering drinks at the bar by this totally cute girl. She commented on the girls outfit with high accolades of fashion then took a call leaving Jason to pick up the convo & run with the ball.

by Handsurggirl July 6, 2012

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A Wingman is on who is willing to take one for the team so that his friend can live the dream. Opposite of being or commiting a cock-block

Bud-Light presents Real American Heros Today we salute you Mr. Wingman. Only you can turn you buddies dream into a reality, by screwing her fat cock-blocking friend, so crack open an ice cold Bud-Light, because next time your buddy has to screw the fat chick, We salute you Mr. Wingman!!

by WINGMAN FOR THE DAMN WIN January 12, 2007

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A typically less attractive friend brought along on dates to distract the less attractive female. Wingmen sometimes know that they are wingmen, and sometimes not. When they don't, everything is more amusing.

Teresa told me she was bringing her friend Amanda on our date, but Amanda's a bitch so I brought along my rather unattractive friend Cameron as a wingman to distract her.

by Roger McChicken Smodger March 11, 2011

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