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Wooden Nickel

1. A wood token coin

2. a reminder to be cautious in one's dealings.

His word is worth a wooden nickel; That is worth a wooden nickel

by DT82 May 7, 2011

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Wooden Bridge

This is whereby two men (not having to be gay) place their fully erect penis' bell end to bell end, creating a "bridge", they then have a mouse run across it.

Person 1: "hey can you get that mouse to me"
Person 2: "yeah but only by mean of wooden bridge"
Person 1: " okay..."

by DonkyShlong May 9, 2010

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Wooden Boat

A woman who looks attractive from a distance, but up close needs a lot of work done in order to actually be attractive

Man, she was like a wooden boat...looked good from a distance, but up close you can tell she was in need of more than just paint and varnish

by Furry Trout December 23, 2008

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Wooden Dildo

A dildo made of wood and looks a lot like a stool leg.

"So I was sitting on a bench right? Then all these guys come up to me shouting Wooden Dildo, Wooden Dildo. Then Ryan comes up to me and starts Dildoing me, so I had no choice but to Dildo him back. Then everyone starts Dildoing each other

by the urban teacher March 15, 2009

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Wooden Pickaxe

Used for mining 3 blocks of cobblestone

I just got my first WOODEN PICKAXE

by Golferbc May 4, 2020

Wooden Maiden

Painfully uncomfortable chair, constructed primarily of wood.

"For sale: 1 medieval chair, made of wood, comfort level: wooden maiden"
"Man, this chair fucking sucks, I feel like a torture victim, its basically a wooden maiden"

by the_sheeve_master March 2, 2014

wooden heart

A wooden heart is a broken heart and shattered soul

He got used and abused so many times he got a wooden heart

by Shattered and tattered June 19, 2017

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