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yeh nor

Yeh nor is used to describe something that has happened which somebody didn't want to happen. It is used as the last part of a sentence, usually preceded by a swear word, to emphasise the thing that has occurred is bad.

Alastair wanted to go away with the lads to benidorm. His wife put her foot down and said he couldn't go, fucking yeh nor.

by Bigalamcc April 14, 2014

yeh bro

oh you know


by Anonymous September 18, 2003

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yeh mun

sarcastic tone meaning to take the piss

'do you like my haircut?' "yeh mun!"

by Ket Burtase June 20, 2011

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fuk yeh!

The term is usually used in a positive situation when one has achieved success or when someone is feeling sudden happiness or enthusiasm. Many using this term may feel an unusually strong connection to America. Therefore, people yelling out this term will sound like wannabe yankees. Fuk yeh! has become increasingly popular since the film Team America was released.

George: "Shit man that how good was that?"
Bob: "Fuk yeh!"

by Rookz January 18, 2006

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yeh mate

is basicaly muggin sum1 off when they drop a late joke or say sumtin sily

(person1) y did da rabbit cross da road
(person2) errrrrrrr Yeh Mate!!!

by yehmate January 4, 2005

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Keith Yeh

K CUBED!!! Hes the coola coola cool star

Keith yeh is amazing

by person191919191919 December 3, 2021

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yeh ollie

β€œYeh Ollie” is a phrase from a YouTube show called the Moocoob show. This phrase originated from the first sentence in the show.

β€œThe Moocoob shows the Moocoob everyone loves the Moocoob shows yeh Ollie”

by zXAlphaTigerXz June 29, 2018