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yellow yell

One who draws many pictures but then stops drawing when the pictures are finished.

"Look I drewed a picture" - The Yellow Yell

by :finger: March 16, 2003

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The act of talking at an abnormally loud volume without realizing it.

That chic and her friend were yell-talking so hard in Starbucks that the manager had to tell them to try inside voices.

by Bobolicous July 11, 2011

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Freedom Yell

Referring to the moment at which an American male gets an erection in a public space and proceeds to loudly yell Freedom. This is most common throughout rural areas in eastern, and to a lesser extent western, Kentucky where it is seen as a symbol of pride in ones great penile freedom.

"To express his freshly hard penis, John performed the freedom yell. This instilled him with a great sense of pride"

by K.S. Barrlove July 16, 2018


a female, usually caucasian, that has a preference for asian (yellow) men. the female form of yellow fever.

becky is such a yell-hoe

by TheOriginalYell-hoe June 25, 2013


When the university of oregon ducks are on defense and the crowd at Autzen stadium starts yelling "O" and puts their hands in the air forming an O. This amount of noise(mostly from the student section) causes the team on offense to be unable to communicate resulting in an Oregon win.

(Autzen stadium currently holds the record for the loudest stadium with decibel levels reaching up to 127 DB)

(Autzen big screen says: YELL O)
Offensive player: What was the play again?
Quarter back: What?
Offensive player: What?
Quarter back: I cant hear you, the crowd is yelling "O".
Offensive player: What?

by Ducks12 October 16, 2009

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A term referring the the volume of somebody's voice.

"My math teacher is quite yell-y."

by Ethan G---- August 29, 2006

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Cyber yelling

Cyber yelling takes place when people type instant messages in CAPS LOCK. Cyber yelling is usually blatantly unnecessary, and those who do it are usually of the emo or teenie bopper persuasion.

OMIGOSH! IM HIV POSITIVE! Look at me cyber yelling! KTHXBI!

by Rodericko March 17, 2007

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