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yoder uber

A person who transports the Amish.

My cousin drives several Amish guys to and from work everyday, making him a "yoder uber"

by ErrySh March 15, 2018

Rat Yoder

Sneakiest person you know. A mighty solid man. Loves to gang on that booty while other hoes is fiending. Once shit in a hat. Often seen riding on the back of a smurf. Frequently screams obscenities in the MOST appropriate times.

Ol Rat Yoder, he shit in that hat once.

by Ya Boys Podcast Spotify November 22, 2019

yoder loader

A large minivan, usually white but also seen in such styling shades as dark red, green, off-blue, and grey, always covered in at least a small amount of dust, and used to cart Amish people around. They come under many names, such as "Yoder Loader", "Byler Piler", "Byler Filer", and "Miller Filler".

They are often the targets of fury of driving natives in Amish Country.

Steve: Yeah, I was driving down the road when I got cut off by one of those Yoder Loaders!

Mike: Damn! I hate it when that happens! They always drive ten under!

by Yoder Loader August 10, 2008

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Hannah yoder

One hot ass bitch that goes to my school

Pamela Anderson of high school, Hannah yoder wow

by Big man on campus99 March 3, 2013

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Yoder Slut

Someone that thrives on attention and eats souls of weak men. They thrive on the attention of men and get jealous to see any other person with any other person.

Keep your man away from her, she's a Yoder Slut.

by Czar89273e May 1, 2011

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kristy yoder

A girl that is amazing in all ways and makes me happy that I met her she might be short but don’t mess with her she has a bad attitude and can hold a grudge but I truly love my kristy and she can get a lil wild when the time comes but makes me happy I love my kristy

Kristy Yoder is a complete babe I’d tap that any day

by Yourrr daddy January 7, 2019

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Dave Yoder Dumptruck

An awesome wrestling move. It involves going for a double leg takedown, but instead of putting your head at their beltline you put it under them and then lift up. With them on your shoulders and holding their legs, then you let the legs go forcing them to fall to the ground, similar to a dump trucks bucket.

Mike was acting tough and wanted to wrestle me so i gave him a nice Dave Yoder Dumptruck .

by Walstrom May 30, 2007