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Colm Nolan

Subtly racist and misogynistic, a "Colm Nolan" is a sigma male unconcerned with opinions of "women" or his own consciousness. Colm Nolans often spend their time trying to achieve their life goals, almost always dominating other beta males, often into sexual submission. Colm Nolans often engage in intercourse with other males to demonstrate superiority (not in a gay way tho). A rare breed of alpha not to be crossed

"Man did you hear that guy was charged with domestic abuse"

"What could you expect he's a real Colm Nolan"

by Peep00 November 22, 2021

addison and nolan

Addison is a beautiful talented amazing person that lights up a room. As for Nolan he is the complete opposite, he is mean and very uncool. Addison is someone people gravitate too due to her amazing charm and personality. The same can’t be said for Nolan. People stead clear of him and the one friend he does have if being paid by his parents to hang out with him. Overall Addison is the best person ever!

Addison and Nolan are very well known celebrities.

by GreysStan4life January 21, 2021


The group of boys who are annoying

Nolan+Peter+Griffin are soooo annoying

by TheoCat March 2, 2022

Nolan Yang

Nolan Yang can be very quiet sometimes but once you get to know him, He is super funny and kind. He makes the dumbest jokes but it'll make you laugh. Anyone would be luck to be friends with him! Make sure you treat him right, because if you don't, his friends will kill you in your sleep.

Nolan Yang is so funny with his dumbass jokes lol

by Its_Kyliii December 18, 2021