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steel drain pipe

a steel drain pipe is a common form of torture the mafia uses which is when someone grabs a steel drain pipe and aggressively caves your skull in

Mafia Boss:hey Tony wheres the $50,000 you owe me

Tony:i....i do....dont have it yet

Mafia Boss:give him the steel drain pipe Marco
Marco:sure thing boss
Tony:no....no.. please i have a family

by mr georgy the handgun September 26, 2023

Drain the Pool

to flush the toilet

Joe - I gotta drop the kids off
Martha - Don't forget to drain the pool!

by bean, trivia queen June 18, 2017

draining rocks

Nothing but net

I was draining rocks playing pop a shots.

by July 28, 2023


#Drain is about loss and gain; it could be good or bad -- you could be drained of energy or you could drain something to gain energy. There’s financial, emotional and physical drains, for example -- you could just be draining your bank account at the store. It doesn’t have to be deep.

- bladee

Im so drained bro. #Drain

by Spidysk June 4, 2018

Drain their potatoes

Drain your potatoes, drain our potatoes, drain his potatoes, drain my potatoes -- urinate

We need to stop soon so the boys can get out and drain their potatoes.

by Kickasso December 23, 2021