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Bunk-Bed Kid

A bunk-bed kid is a kid who grew up sleeping in a bunk bed to themselves and had nobody to share it with.

Ethan looks like a bunk-bed kid.

by What Does This Word Mean? February 19, 2023

monke bunked

It means to be better by beating them. In turn, monke bunked. Monke bunked means to have the boneworks sock monke on a bunk. Though monke bunk is just fun to say.

Ford exclaimed after winning a fight “You just got monke bunked!”

by ArthurFord February 4, 2023

Bunk up

To bend over. Show your butt. Told to a child in preparation for a spanking.

Bunk up Chile! You need a good beeatin’!

by Fleshaxxe July 24, 2018