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mikey capes

better than a henry green

mikey capes is better than henry green

by III MC III June 12, 2011

Eye watch cape horn

Means you watch gay porn

Man: Eye watch Cape Horn
Woman: WHAT do you watch?

by TheVeryStrangeOne45 August 17, 2022

shit caping

The act of pooping up one's own back, sometimes all the way up the neck, as a deterrent to predators. Much like a skunk, it is a defense mechanism, ensuring the survival of "caper". Most commonly seen with infants and young teenagers.

Person 1: I hear you got mugged last night.
Person 2: Yeah, almost. But I shit caped and managed to get away.
Person 1: Thank god for shit caping.

by capedcrusader February 12, 2012