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Peel her orange

To shave your girls vagina

Guy 1: dude did you go down on your girl last night

Guy 2: yeah but it was so hairy I had to peel her orange if you know what I mean

by Peelherorange January 4, 2016

Peel her orange

To peel apart ones butt cheeks and insert a finger while rubbing the clit

Katie loves it when John would peel her orange.

by Orangepeeler March 5, 2017

Real Peel

A hardworking individual.
Put in their time to gain respect and confidence of their peers.

That guy is the Real Peel!

by 9290 May 17, 2020

Peeled carrot

When a dude sits too far back on the toilet and his turd scrapes along the toilet seat, peeling a layer off and onto the toilet seat

JP went for a shit, peeled the carrot and then sat back onto the peeled part on the toilet seat
Peeled carrot, a layer of shit scraped off on the edge of the toilet seat

by Kdub Billy May 4, 2018

banana peel virgin

n. someone who either does not slip or has not fucked with a condom on or have only had sex with people who haven't had a circumcision

"Oh, Al's such a banana peel virgin!" said Atlas

by goblin dude June 2, 2024

peel the spud

To beat off. (Masturbate)

I’ll be on Xbox later boys, gonna go peel the spud.

by Shayescosbyshow May 6, 2020

peeling oranges

Peeling oranges is a term used to describe the instance when a filipino peels an orange and falls asleep mid-peel due to marijuana.

Can also be used as a term for getting high.

James: Yo let's start peeling oranges
Arnie: sure I've got a juicy one

by gdragonxlje July 22, 2014