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Our most popular definitions

The most defined word on Urban Dictionary is “emo”.

Ignore the emo named “get back to studying” who tried to make a word called “Our most popular definitions”.

by Whyamionthissite September 15, 2023

Popularity protection

The term used for when a usually nice looking,popular girl has sex with a popular boy which gives them protection because the “friends” of the girls and boys will form a barrier from hate . An example of this could be the Kardashians or in certain circumstances the paul brothers due to their unstoppable nature

That slag has so much popularity protection

by Datboi420@tidepods January 30, 2018

district popular

When a person in school is popular enough to be known throughout the entire school district.

That girl has so many friends, she's district popular.

by Districtpopular June 4, 2018

popular terms

Terms that are widely used that may include metaphors, similes, idioms, etc.

Lit” and “yeet” are an example of a “popular terms”.

“Yo! Greta be yeeting that lit party!”
“My fellow friends, leteth thee use popular terms in thy words”

“Lol, let’s hang with that britteney bitch.”

Lmfao I have no idea what I’m doing I’m just rlly bored. -creator

by Bored reptilian July 8, 2018

popular monster

It obliterates you, disintegrates you, annihilates you when you are about to break down. Often replaced by "Jugular Hamster" , "Binocular Master" , Tubular Pornstar" and so on.

Stranger: Are you a Popular, Popular Monster?
Popular Monster: I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer.

by zsirsiraly October 2, 2020

most popular person

you . “you” is the most popular word because it always rounds back to the person reading this .

friend 1 “i wonder who’s the most popular person!!”

friend 2 “you are! duhhhhh!”

by vscogurlllll September 27, 2021