Source Code

Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog,

Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog,

Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog,

by luis artiga December 6, 2022

Hate Your Face Wave

It is a high speed wave that is used by people who want to flip you off but think it is too vulgar to use the middle finger. The faster the wave the more hate is fueling it. Just because you don't curse doesn't mean that you can't use hand gestures to express your anger.

Kathy was so angry at the drive that cut her off that she gave them the hate your face wave.

by Oi has a monster February 26, 2018

I’m going to kill your face

When you slap someone on the nose really hard because they’re pissing you off and you say “I’m going to kill your face”

Shut up or “I’m going to kill your face”

by jerrysandy February 12, 2019

Pull Your Face In

Mostly said on the East Coast of Australia: Used when someone says or does something out of line, just check yourself there mate that's a bit retarded.

Simon that's enough out of you, either pull your face in or get fucked.

by Pull Brain April 5, 2017

eat it off your face, doop

when u send someone to consume more than clout

“alllrightt.. eat it off your face, doop!”

by sretaw, trebor May 22, 2022

On your face

When someone is making a promise or guarantee of something on their face (or honor, similar to giving their word).

If I loan you this money your telling me right now, on your face you will work for me for the next two weekends to make us even.

I gotta go straighten up my face with him by working this weekend and next.

by PistolPete1515 May 26, 2021