Source Code

Immortality Rate

The percentage/chance lf a person recovering from an illness/disease, the exact opposite of the mortality rate (death rate) but with a gamble for life.

Lower Immortality Rates means it is unlikely for a person of that illness to recover. i.e. high mortality rates.

Immortality rates are the exact opposite, lower meaning deadly, higher meaning safer.

by 1m1m0 January 3, 2023

Highest grossing R-rated film of all time

Who wrote it and what's it called?

Hym "Bwahahahahahahahaha! You see how much the Jew thing bothers him? Don't be a reply-guy Ben. It's pathetic and contemptible. He jumped right on it too. He reads me every day. Wave everybody. 👋 If you're ever sitting at home wondering what failed writers do in their free time it's 'read the work of much better writers'. Well, 1 writer to be exact. The writer of the 'Highest grossing R-rated film of all time' That's how you know it's God's will. The retard in a cult analogy fits here too! Uh oh! Is it too easy for the retard in the sex cult to succeed where you failed? Did Todd do it because I'm better than you at an existential level and I deserve it more? Or is muh brains just so big and appealing that he couldn't resist that sweet, sweet meat? Did I work harder? No... No. That can't be it.... It's gotta be one of those. It's just hilarious. Because it could have done decently. It could have been bad. But it was THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Way to not be a stereotypical bunch of greedy, deceitful, thieving Jews guys! Look at how stupid your entire race looks now because of you! AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

by Hym Iam February 18, 2023

Chingle rating

A way of describing how well you are doing at a particular activity or game. (Having big chingles is equivalent to a low chingle rating and visa versa)

My chingle rating is really low today in this game.

My chingles are giant right now.

by Itsboren September 19, 2020

Ranch Rate

It’s how you rate restaurants. . . How good the ranch is.

“Girl, are you gonna let him hit it on the first date?”
Depends on that Ranch Rate!”

by Fancy Shuffler November 10, 2018

rate cutter

Guy named Rodney always slashing rates on trucking in the Alvinston area

Fuck boys... that company has become a rate cutter company just like Rodney

by Ricky18765 December 23, 2020

Just want to rate other people's definitions

Just here to judge other people's definitions. if there's another way to do it, i can't find out how.

I Just want to rate other people's definitions, i don't want to have to make a new definition every time i want to do that.

by Large Pile of Ha February 23, 2022

Don't rate

The opposite of rating something (i.e. liking or approving of something)

"I don't rate touchscreen keyboards; physical keys just feel so much more efficient & lead to less awkward autocorrects."

by therealspice December 31, 2022