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when the cool kids hit a weed

lett hit the weed its 420

by ewhsrjsrhshaqhdbagsbfxxhbsh December 10, 2017


In India, 420 (In Hindi चार सौ बीस “Char-soo-bees”) refers to a person that breaks the Indian Penal Code Section 420 which deals with cheating and dishonesty. It basically means a trickster or a con man.

“Have you met Anil. He was nice to me.”
Stay away from him. He is a 420 (Char-soo-bees.)”

by PoorBaby April 21, 2022


-420 is to get baked or smoke marijuana at 4:20(more so stoners)
In the year 2020 The month of april(because it's the 4th month in 2020) is celebrated for the whole month of 420.

-Bro its 420 for an entire month!

by lmdk6969 April 14, 2020


weed, pot, marijuana, etc.

John's got some 420. Want some?

by s i x t y n i n e June 18, 2021


Hitler’s birthday. Neo-Nazis. Enough said.

420 my arian brother.

by EMZabber January 27, 2019


weed blaze

cop: we got a 420
prisoner in the back seat: what
cop: marijuana
prisoner: get me some

by hoohoolicker April 13, 2020


the number that you get when multiplying 105 by 4.


by Atretochoana June 1, 2021