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Clay Calder

literally the best teacher you could have and also writes a lot of books

Clay Calder is my teacher “your so lucky lol

by Eggmastersophielol April 8, 2022

clay poop

clay poop is really sticky poop that takes you 69 wipes to achieve full cleanliness

aye bro i got clay poop
Bro:you that sucks

by clay poop master November 20, 2020

clay target

A gay engineer's butthole

Everybody took turns blowing out his clay target.

by Bubba Buttfucker February 12, 2018

Gassius Clay

Gas Fire Something super fire, or gas; something dank or chronic

Bruh, that shit was Gassius Clay

That tree we smoked has me bugging, that was some Gassius Clay

by WolfOfWallerStreet January 12, 2019

cassum clay

An idiot vice principal that can’t do shit

“Wow I Mr. Cassum Clay is stupid!”
I know right!”

by Whipplefluff October 29, 2019

Clay Cox

(noun) a tool.
(verb) the act of being a tool.

(noun) That Clay Cox is being a fag.
(verb) The other day, I pulled a Clay Cox and flirted with Tanner Wilcox's girlfriend.

by Clay Cox January 7, 2012