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backyard combo

Hot dog, hamburger, potato salad, and baked beans

Our Labor Day cookout was fantastic! Had so much food everybody got a backyard combo and then some!

by Anonymouslyvociferous September 7, 2019

combo food

A character that get combo all the time because he’s size or because of he’s speed

Iron giant is a combo food he get combo all the time.
He’s way too big and slow!!!

by Nolife888 July 27, 2022

School Shooter Combo

When someone runs in a zig-zag sprint, usually when getting shot at.

He was getting shot at, so he School Shooter Combo’d.

I got shot, I had to perform the School Shooter Combo

by Ajonesey February 27, 2021

Fuck Combo

When someone, probably your dad uses the word "Fuck" every other word in a sentence. Not to get the point across but probably cause that say the word "Fuck" so much that they replaced the breath with the word "Fuck".

Fuck this fuckin' dog! Fuck, man! Fuckin' shit on my mothafuckin' god fuckin' damn fuckin rug! Fuckin' again man. What the fuck!

Woah he just used a Fuck Combo out of anger.

by Pokchop March 7, 2022

x2 combo

A phrase coming from the popular web comic Homestuck

Meaning to initiate some sort of action twice in a row with the action being preformed being named some where within the message

With variants such as the x3 combo, x0 combo, x1 combo, x2 COMBOB, DRUNK HAPPEN xROSE COMBOBOB, x2 Double Combo, and 5x COMBO

Karkat: Facepalm x2 combo

by Psynomous Bosch January 21, 2021

JJ Combo

A simple basketball move involving going ibetween your legs before utterly oblitirating your opponent.

Used in 1 on 1 scenarios.

Has a 100% success rate.
Normally used by people called JJ

"Damn that guy just pulled a JJ Combo"

by BIgBoyGOD October 23, 2019

combo out of a bag

The easiest combo, or sequence of connected moves in a fighting game, that one might possibly execute in a given situation.

You've already played every character three times. Your problem is that you couldn't pull a combo out of a bag.

by Casey R Williams November 3, 2008