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2nd rate whore

As opposed to a 1st rate whore, one who makes less but still get the participation trophy.

My boyfriend’s wife called me a 2nd rate whore.

by Vbond June 29, 2021

rack rate

The regular cost of a product or service without discounts.

The company offered us a substantial discount, but to avoid appearance of favor or bias, we must pay the regular rack rate plus tax.

by i suck too March 22, 2023

Soon Be Rated

a term used by roadmen or drillers in the uk to say "i will be popular soon"

"bro ur songs are underrated bro"
"i know my bro soon be rated"
"mandem ahlie?"

by poopeater445 August 22, 2021


The happy medium between overrated and underrated.

I think LA is pretty overrated.

Meh, it's just rated.

by Lieutenant Fuckboy February 23, 2022


Average, just as you expected, neither underrated nor overrated. Similar to "mid" but with a less negative connotation.

"Bro what'd you think of the movie?"
"Ehh it was rated. Cool story but the acting was mid af."

by hardergeezer April 9, 2024


So the word “rated” now means equality rated not underrated or overratedit had gotten the right Amount it deserved

Liam: Hey that girls post is rated
Darrel: yeah! Hey! That girls post is way overrated

Liam: yup.

by zoexlaverne July 13, 2020

Crude Birth Rate

If you search this up, you probably take AP Human Geography classes too!

Well if you need to study what the fuck this is, this is the amount of people born per 1000 people in a society.

The Crude Birth Rate in the US is 11.

by namingrandomshitifindinthisweb November 9, 2023