Source Code

pulla raven

to act like raven, in aperance or actions

"Dont pulla raven and castrate him because you're pissed off!!"

by Raven Moon January 26, 2006

Raven Queen

A toxic Youtuber who tries to ruin a YouTuber who goes by the name of NuclearHurricane Of Arda Gaming reputation because Raven Queen is jealous of her, but Raven Queen aways fails.

Raven Queen once tried to ruin NuclearHurricane Of Arda Gaming reputation with a fake picture.

by Foxy the fox 110 October 29, 2021

raven j

A girl that can’t accept ur opinion. She’s a girl but can’t decide what gender she is or if she has a gender at all. She only showers every Sunday and tells her most private info to ppl that aren’t even her friends.

“Man is raven j a girl or boy today

by Polishhhhhhhh November 5, 2017