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Fuck Urban Dictionary

Literally fuck yourselves

Fuck Urban Dictionary because the mods here are all asshatted retards

by fuck_urban_dictionary_by_allah April 7, 2021

urban dictionary discreet

this is when you have to go to the urban dictionary to look up either a sexual term or a popular word/phrase that you don't know and are too embarrassed to ask someone else what it means. don't lie, you've done this too ;)

"man, I gotta be urban dictionary discreet with this one lol"

by kitkatkatie_rawr February 4, 2022

Dictionary of Urban People

A place where people, specifically residing in urban areas, can give things weird, inaccurate meanings.

The Dictionary of Urban People has the best definitions on the Internet as only people who pretend to be urban use it!

by pseudonimsj October 24, 2023

Urban Dictionary: New Word

when you make a new word

"Urban Dictionary: New word"

by (Formerly F_pp_F) October 16, 2018

Webster dictionary chan

An amazing guy who works hard being a dictionary, good job!

Sike, it must be sad being you.

This dude is a Webster dictionary chan, i feel bad for the little guy!

by wowurmom August 16, 2021

gods dictionary

The urban dictionary

Person 1: Hey, what does clanker mean?

Person 2: Look it up in gods dictionary.

by Bobby420Jimmy December 30, 2021

English Dictionary

To the average Grammar Nazi, this is a holy scripture

Grammar Nazi: "Did you misuse an apostrophe? Go to church and read the English dictionary."

by IntergalactalEnergy July 29, 2023