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The Dwight Howard

When you slam dunk over your best friend’s girl and then plunge your cock into her mouth

Ayo bro, you know that tall ass chick, I did the Dwight Howard on her lol

by Megatroel January 12, 2020

howard kim

There is no definition. He can not be defined.

Dude #1: Dude why did you make a urban dictionary definition for me?
Dude #2: I just felt like it.
Dude #1: Wow you just pulled a howard kim.

by mrtunaguy December 15, 2013

a john howard

Shovel poo from ones bum

And smear it on another person's eyebrows

She looks like she's had a john howard

by leroy 1111111 October 21, 2022

Oliver Howard

A child that is good at science and tells kids that they don't know how to use scales

Wow that Oliver Howard is telling kids to shut the fuck up

by I can use scales 69420 November 4, 2021