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He is a big bad grape man who has and sparkly oven mit and a rock collection.


OwO Thanos more like THICCC WITH A TRIPLE C MAN. OwO SENPAI THANOS 0w0 *moans 4 thanos*

by Killer Potato is a potato April 29, 2019


I fat shriveled prune looking for some pebbles to lob at a couple of slightly strong people. Also he has a ball sack chin and a gold cum sock.

Oh no it's that fat purple bloke. Whats his name? Ah yes Thanos.

by xd_erectgamer_69 May 21, 2020


Lost his normal chin in a tragic battle with meth

Thanos is sexy

by Tyler is coming to eat my ass May 9, 2019


gay noob that got raised by barney and purple rasins

barney and thanos had sex

by thqnos's dick May 7, 2019


gay nobb that got raised by barney and purple rasins

barney and thanos had sex

by thqnos's dick May 7, 2019


A mad grape

Thanos: hello, my namme Jeff
You: *dies

by Thanos/is_hot November 22, 2019


the min antagonist from the popular movie series fortnite, bizzare adventures. uses his powers to game end half of all noobs.

thanos is T H I C C

by floyd triangle May 1, 2019