Source Code

Cosby Cocktail

The act of coitus between two men, where the "fucker" puts a sedative tablet in the head of his penis, to insert into the "fuckees" anus, where it will become active. Once inserted, the "fuckee" will now have a tail, made of cock... a, cocktail and "cosby" cocktail, due to the sedative.

"Ah yeah, my rings stull hurtin from when Steve gave me that cosby cocktail last night".

"Ah yeah Dave, how did you like that cosby cocktail"

by Bill Nye The Cosby Guy October 31, 2021


To be tricked or fooled into doing something you were not willing or not yet ready to do because someone secretly administered drugs to you. Aka roofied. (rohypnol or ketamine induced sleep or trance) as when Bill Cosby supposedly drugged certain women (Andrea Constand) for sex.

The day after I went to basic training in the military I woke up in a barracks feeling as if I had been Cosbied by my recruiter.

by Temple July 15, 2018

rock cosby

when a female jams rocks into a mans asshole and jerks him to completion then shits the rocks on her chest.

girl last night i gave my man the best rock cosby ever!

by bruhbruhddam August 22, 2017

Sticky Cosby

During drunken intercourse one ejaculates on there partner's face and proceeds to rub it in with post-it notes containing Bill Cosby quotes.

mom-"give me a sticky cosby before you go to school"
son-"that sounds like a plan mom!"

by TouchedByaCosby November 15, 2016

cosby block

To stop someone from being cosbied

Some random at the party last tried to cosby Jill, but I poured her GHB infested drink out. Totally cosby blocked him.

by Gina magic February 26, 2016

Laine Cosby

Although she looks like god damn (tomato), Laine Cosby is an (emotionless ginger) who is incapable of using her brain.

Fun fact: Laine Cosby is a close relative to Bill..

Person #1: You just pulled a Laine Cosby!
Person #2: Ok BOOMER

by cool cat who loves ben dover December 3, 2019

Cosby face

1. The password to enter TrASSh, a meat packing hotspot that features clones, freaks, sneezing, a Russian man on a prepaid cell phone and Pierre, the Muslim Elvis impersonator.
2. The face that Bill Cosby makes in the opening credits of The Cosby Show, where she places his fingers over his face and removes them to reveal a goofy grin and rapey eyes.

Anyone can get in, at the door just make the Cosby face.

by Jeffvanderlou January 20, 2020