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A person or thing of better than average character. Something considered good or large. can also be used as prefix.

Man! you are a rig!

you good man? Yeh pretty rigging.

Riglore (agood friend)

rigsitch (a good situation)

Rigamortus (erect due to rig)

by sortimus gine April 30, 2009


The guy that nobody wants at their function. Someone who was being annoying and/or douchey in a manner that pissed everyone off.

Jack Mason was being an utter rig when we walked into smoke that one time.

by Yourthings June 14, 2022


The guy that nobody wants at their function. Someone who was being annoying and/or douchey in a manner that pissed everyone off.

Jack M was being an utter rig when we walked into smoke that one time.

by Yourthings June 14, 2022

sick rig

Usually a clapped out piece of shit, yet the owner thinks it's the coolest thing in town. Can be lowered or lifted. Always has dents or occasionally a broken window. 8/10 barely run.

Damn sick rig dude, want a blowie?

by Hugh Johnson December 5, 2016

Rig Nit

Some one who is very annoying who you want to murder

"Why sister is a Rig Nit

by gunguything April 16, 2022

Rig Man

If a individual is a strange and/or unusual character.

"I was introduced to some guy named Shea, he was a rig man."

by Biggest doofus 123 March 25, 2022


Redrawing a voting district map to ensure the party in power gets to stay in power by selecting voters, making the elections effectively rigged.

There were too many opposition party member in the state legislature, so the majority party started gerry-rigging s the nearby districts to get their party voters as a majority soon after the census.

by davezawislak June 18, 2016