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Hammer guy

Hohohoho! That uh... I know it's a little late for it but.... You know.. Don't implicate me in things... This all started because i was implicated in things I didn't want to be implicated in... So...

Hym "Holy crap hammer guy! Wow!"

Iam "You're just now getting to this?"

Hym "Yes! We have a ton of back-log! There isn't enough time in the day. If my labor wasn't being exploited on all fronts by people who already have more than they will ever need I be able to get to it but DAMN! You see that motherfucker hammer that guy!?"

Iam "Yeah... I have made it clear I don't like people taking my name in vain and the only thing I've told anyone to do is give me credit for the things I've done and pay me for services rendered.... So.... Yeah... Not on me..."

by Hym Iam December 20, 2022

Foot guy

Guys who are into/turned on by feet as the primary physical attribute.

related: foot fetish

There’s boob guys, there’s thigh guys, and then there’s foot guys…

“He told me to wear sandals on our date, I hope he’s not a foot guy.”

by Anonymoon1 May 18, 2024

Ass guy

A man that loves thick asses on women, and often fantasizes about them

Thigh guy: Look at Rebecca's thick ass thighs!!
Ass guy: Nah, that's not the best part! I could use her ass as a fucking pillow!

by SebaliMotherTrucker October 29, 2023

Cummy Guy

Cummy Guy is a cummy guy which cums 14 times in the space of 24 hours which is a Guinness World Record. Also has special time everyday and has watched every video on the hub.

Me: Cummy Guy
Cummy Cumran: whats a cummy guy
Me: Cummy Guy On a Daily Bro

Cummy Guy: Bro Do You Know What i Did Yesterday
Me: Special Time Again? You Cummy guy

by BenJeff8372 March 13, 2021


An epic story that redefines the action genre, with compelling characters, good story, and good set pieces.

“Hey, a new season of F.B.I GUY just dropped; want to ‘F.B.I and chill’?”

by Bionicthrower49 May 27, 2022

White guying

Just the feeling like the world is against you and you've had the roughest life and no one likes you.

When someone talks to you like you talk to them and you never expect them to talk to you like that because you're a white guy then you're most definitely "white guying"

by Peachybb December 4, 2020

Nacho guy

Usually a greasy gas station smelling guy who's teeth is always crammed with nacho cheese and salsa if you see him in the movie theater which is his natural habitat dont sit next to him

Person 1: damn that smell of nachos is making me feel a certain way let's get some from him.
Person 2: nah haven't you heard he has a metal plate in his jaw and he uses it to knock out people who try stuff like that! Dont even test nacho guy!

by The knowledgeable August 2, 2022