Source Code


Spanish Hitler

The BOBO is hitler but spanish

by Joe.mp3 December 31, 2021

honk bobos

Squeeze some breasts.

There were boobs everywhere. All I wanted to do was honk bobos!

by Mattita December 1, 2007

bobos hoe hoes

a gang of dumb ass high school kids that worship a Doritos shaped teacher who calls us a bunch of bad shit in Spanish

bobos hoe hoes are ugly af

by Henry J Jones May 17, 2018


we shout" THERE HE IS!!! GET 'EM!!!!"
hes like oh nooo he hopes in bobos chariot and tries to get away
but bobo cant pull him so bobos back snaps
then we deck him and his back goes 'snap'
Z<-----his back
and then when hes almost dead we say " COME ON!!! GET UP U SON OF A BITCH!!!"
and u bust ur foot in his mouth then the oldman turns him over and freebies him then slip n' slide then asscrack rip
i shit in his mouth then we put him in a well and u shit on him
then the robber bleeds out his ears!!!

We kicked bobs thieves ass. his ass is bleeding.

by Sean BOB December 6, 2003

baka naman bobo yarn

used in describing people that have uncanny or gullible thoughts. Mainly used before he/she thinks of something uncanny or gullible thing to do, or after doing it.

Example 1:
Person 1: hey, i have a great idea! why don't we put toothpaste in bread so that we don't have to toothbrush anymore?
Person 2: bro... baka naman bobo yarn.

Example 2:
Person 1: *ate bread with toothpaste*
Person 2: bro... why you gotta do that? baka naman bobo yarn.

by MetaMemePlayer February 8, 2022

Extreme Bobo Syndrome

The state of bobo-ness that reaches stage 5 and is incurable

It's sad to see our friend Kenneth received the Extreme Bobo Syndrome

by Adilo September 17, 2021