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A common phrase we use in the black community meaning legit , for sure . It can be use in gambling meaning put up your money it's commonly use in and agreement either dealing with a gambling situation or in and exchange or for future reference.

Hey you got my money? I got you tommorow. Ok I'll be here at 3:00. Bet. You coming over tonight? Yeah I'll be there. Bet. Who got me on the next bet ? I got you I got 20$ on the next roll. Bet.

by Everett Williams jr July 7, 2018


A slang when saying "I dare you."

"I' m gonna fart in your face."

"Alright bet."

by Beastmoder 2.0 April 21, 2018


A shorten version of "you bet."
Contrary to popular belief bet originated In white communities. Short for "you bet."

Guy1: Hey you coming up tonight?
Guy2: Bet

by Actual Disney December 7, 2019


Has 2 definitions :

1 . To agree with something, a synonym for "sure" or "okay"

2 . To doubt about something that seems very fucking weird or gay.

(First example)
Mom : Honey! The food is served, come down now!

You : Bet.

(Second example)
Your friend : I have the n word pass, I can say it whenever I want.

You : Bet that you have it, you need a nigga like me.

by The fucking n word May 7, 2019


Accepting a challenge or dare

Chris- I dare you to steal that car
Quan- Bet

by PimpMami04 October 12, 2019


When your balls itch

You down to this weekend?

Yeah bet

by Cheeseylemonsssv May 12, 2022


In Miami we say bet as “thanks

My homie: I sent that money for you.
Me: bet

by Boboops March 13, 2022