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user hideri

quotev user who's entire identity has been erased and replaced with just hideri kanzaki beyond recovery

"My name isn't user hideri" "Shut up hideri"

by moxiferous August 11, 2023

1👍 2👎

the ultimate user

This is the most powerful card in existance nothing can counter or damage it. This card instantly disables and destroys every enemy card no matter what their description says it also deflects all attacks no matter what deflected attacks deal infinte damage. This card requires another card to be awoken.

Me: ur gay
Random guy: *uses no u infinte card*
Me: nice try *uses the ultimate user*
Random guy: fuck you

by Mr.PissShitHead May 13, 2018

Discord user day

Discord user day is a day on the 15th of December where all discord mods can break the rules.

Man, Discord user day is so fun!!!

by Lasko types urban December 11, 2020

Discord user day

December 11th is discord user day where all members are allowed to harass mods and admins for 24 hours

It’s discord user day. The rapture has begun

by That1Will December 11, 2020

Discord User Day

December 11th is discord user day. Where all members are allowed to harass mods and admins for 24hours

It's Discord User Day. The rapture has begun

by higgorgao1 December 11, 2020

Feral End Users

End users that have been without dedicated IT support for too long, in an environment that is more complicated than the average end user can be expected to troubleshoot. This situation is why you have people photocopying monitor screens, or everyone in a dept. using the same email password(bonus points if it includes "1234" or "password".

That office is a write-off - Full of Feral End Users, as their IT admin quit 2 years ago. It would be cheaper to rip it all out and start from scratch.

by 2x1z November 13, 2017