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find me in the alps

A less abrasive way of saying “Fuck me in the ass”

Can also be used as a “clean” insult,
“Go find yourself in the alps”

The term originates from TV friendly airings of the film “The Big Lebowski” on Comedy Central where the line “go fuck a stranger in the ass” was replaced with “Go find a stranger in the alps

when youre getting pegged by a Thai ladyboy but mom said cursing is bad


by TheBirdWillNeverMockAgain March 22, 2022

1👍 1👎

Alp (Vampire)

Area from/nationality: German. Vampiric spirit associated with the bogeyman and the incubus, normally tormenting the nights and dreams of women. The creature's physical manifestations can be very dangerous. Long connected with the nightmare, the alp is considered male, sometimes the spirit of a recently deceased relative, most often an actual demon. Children can become an Alp when a mother uses a horse collar to ease childbirth. During the middle ages the alp was said to appear as a cat, pig, bird or other animal, including a lecherous demon dog scene in Cologne, thus linking the werewolf in with this legend. In all its manifestations the Alp is known to wear a hat. The spirit can fly like a bird, can ride like a horse and is credited with a certain gallant attitude, rarely forcing itself on its prey. The Alp drinks blood from the nipples of men and children but prefers the milk of women. Because it is so involved in terrors of the mind and sleep the Alp is virtually impossible to kill.

1. *Sound Asleep* "Spiders, Dragons, Scorpions, Zombies, What IS THIS TERRIBLE NIGHTMARE. I feel like I can't breath!?" *Wakes Up* *Gasps For Air* "Oh my gosh my nipples are bleeding, DAMN ALP!"

2. "Come on over here horse, oh no you look exhausted. DAMN ALP!"
Alp (Vampire)

by The Alp Hunter January 24, 2013


Can also be used as a replacement for ass when you don't want to swear.

I will kick your alps!

by Matthew678 May 16, 2019


Ass licking pussy some one who live for the pleasure of others but many find this trait very annoying so they will be called an alp

Jessica - omfg why does he keep texting me Samantha- he doesn't stop like can he stop being such an alp

by Pussylicking hoe January 28, 2021


When someone is being a simp or other traits of being called Leonard

Jessica- leanord is such alp all he tried to pay for my coffee and food at the cafe ever since I got hot from highschool
Jessica 2- he's such a dickhead

by Tiktoktrendz January 28, 2021


Alp stands for ass licking pussy
Meaning that someone is an ass licking pussy

- synonyms - suck up, shoe licker, brown noser

Chad- can I get that door for you Janet
Bill - look at Chad over there sucking up to Janet because she's the boss
Jim- he's such an alp

by Tiktoktrendz January 28, 2021


Although Alp is used as a masculine name in Modern Turkish, it was a title used for both men and women in Proto-Turkic. In the Khakas Turkic epic "Khuban Arig", this title represents being brave, valiant, and also having shamanic skills. Alps can travel between the worlds (middleworld, underworld, upperworld), talk with animals, and commune with the spirits of nature.

alps love puding

by sheeeeeeeshh November 20, 2021