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bald eagle tears

The essence of merica itself. Typically extremely sweet tea or Mountain Dew. Also refered to as diabetes sauce

I drank a gallon of bald eagle tears and all of the democrats cried. Merica y'all

by Shore redneck January 25, 2014

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bald eagle

sported by bounanno.

boob is sporting the BALD EAGLE nowadays!

by billy bob February 23, 2003

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Bald Eagle's Nest

The crotch of an obese woman who cannot shave herself.

Sara couldn't attend to her bald eagle's nest; she's too lazy to do anything about it.

by MarkyB457 February 27, 2014

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Bald Eagle Flakes

The little flakes of dead skin that frequently fall off a bald mans head.

Guy 1: Did you see that bald guy?
Guy2: Yeah, he had some hardcore bald eagle flakes.

by TheBaldEagle March 24, 2009

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bald eagle

if the male places and penetrates the females vagina (the dudes head is in her vag)

MELLISSA SKELTY. BRIT BRUN bothe have bald eagles as pets.

by asdfghjkl12 July 21, 2009

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Bald Eagle Butthole Licker

Someone who loves freedom and George Washington but also is openly a freak. Has licked a butthole in their day just to know the taste and for the thrill.

Did you hear Johnny had sex wearing Abe Lincoln boxer briefs? Yeah - he’s a real
Bald Eagle Butthole Licker

by IDONTEXIST February 20, 2019

bald eagle in my butthole

My butthole is having spasms

I'm having really bad bald eagle in my butthole

by Bald eagles April 1, 2017