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1. Eating after you fast.
2. First meal of the day.

Once you have your regular 7 to 8 hour sleep,( mainly durning the night), your body basically fast because you haven't eaten in hours. So to fuel your mind and body, you break your fast by eating a meal when you wake up, (mainly in the morning).

The doctor told me to fast by not eating after 9pm for blood work in the morning.

After the blood work I can have breakfast.

by Sharkizy May 24, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Norwegian breakfast

In a hotel, wake up, hungry and horny, but are too late for breakfast.....so instead you eat a Norwegian breakfast.....the woman bends over the bathroom counter, ass in the air and the man kneels behind and feasts on her pussy until she comes on his face.....both have satisfied their hunger.

' how was the breakfast in the hotel.....?'
' I was too late so I took a Norwegian breakfast instead......'

by OsloRadisson May 20, 2021

223๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Breakfast Ratio

n. The ratio of sausages (males) to eggs (females) at a place, event, or social gathering. The optimal ratio is a matter of preference, but experts recommend a healthy mix for a balanced breakfast.

Person 1: How was the breakfast ratio at the party last night?
Person 2: Terrible! Hardly a woman in sight โ€” it was a total sausage fest.

by alberge November 23, 2013

477๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Huachรณn breakfast

When a secretly gay, married man acts in a way that is particularly attentive to his wife (such as making her breakfast in bed), in an attempt to make up for the sham marriage in which she is imprisoned.

- My friend's husband takes her out to celebrate every month's anniversary of their wedding. Why aren't you sweet like that?

- Nah, he's just trying to make up for being out cruising for hot guys every other night of the month. Classic Huachรณn Breakfast.

by Uncle Beast December 4, 2012

Breakfast Pastry

A cyber terrorist: Normally on TikTok and Twitter harassing people he disagrees with. A Breakfast Pastry is always trying to cancel someone and ruin their life because he's a miserable hobbit and his life is sh*tty. This person usually is found with Mrs Potato Head "The nasty Fake doctor" "Rx0rcist.

Breakfast Pastry also mean Sh*t!

ThatDaneshGuy is such a Breakfast Pastry!

Ahhh man I stepped in Breakfast Pastry again!!!

by Chachi55 April 9, 2022

Cuntinental Breakfast

To use a female's vagina as a bowl for your cereal. After the cereal and milk is inserted it is then eaten out of the snatcharoo. Silverware optional. If lucky charms are used there is a slight chance of catching the untreatable "pubic leprechauns."

"Jimmy I've been at NASCAR all day long and I haven't had a bite to eat"

"Don't worry Alex I'm sure your sister will have a 'Cuntinental Breakfast' prepared for you when you get home"

by 101202 July 27, 2014

65๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

breakfast foul

A breakfast foul is when you do something not meant for breakfast or eat something not meant for breakfast.

Hey! Buttering your muffin is a breakfast foul!

by Kennybot Sniper September 19, 2006

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