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CN Tower

The tallest tower in Toronto and an icon of the city.

No one from Toronto has actually been to the CN Tower. No one's paying for a tourist attraction when they're not tourists.

by bluepen75 May 27, 2021


Acronym for Wink, Cocky Nod and Point.

Makes 12 year old girls scream when Justin Bieber does it.

Not appropriate for anyone over 17, downright creepy if the W-CN&P is done by anyone over 21.

Acronym should replace LOL on Facebook soon.

My Dad just W-CN&P-ed me on Facebook, now I feel all ookie.

by Spanks Johnson March 6, 2011


cn is short for can

“cn i go outside mom

by jordan2k4 June 11, 2024


In roleplaying, CN stands for the alignment Chaotic Neutral.

See Chaotic Neutral.

A wandering rogue who lives both by work for hire and petty theft, an eccentric mage who experiments with dangerous magic just to view the results, and a con-artist or hustler who plays all sides against the middle to further his own aims are all examples of CN characters.

by Dixiklo9000 April 22, 2019