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Cameron is one of the best people out there. Hes funny, extremely smart, and witty. He has a sensitive side and loves animals. He plays the drums and is in love with music. He would not hurt a fly (unless someone is mean to one of his friends watch out). He doesn't have a lot of money so for birthday presents he writes you songs and poems. He is a sweetheart and even if he gives you a hard time, hes only joking around. He also needs to breakup with his girlfriend. She treats him horribly but he still cares about her. But all in all, Cameron is great. Love that guy.

Who wrote you this amazing poem? Cameron of course!

by Elly Mae=] August 28, 2011

41๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sweet loving boyfriend always is being funny will stand up for his girlfriend and will always make a joke about everything every day and night will always tell you love you and good night and a kiss

I love a Cameron because he always makes me laugh and always is being funny

by Brethrasher a Cameron like me February 7, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cameron if youโ€™re reading this it wasnโ€™t my fault I swear. I pray you read this because we donโ€™t have much time. Theyโ€™re coming for you Cameron. You have to leave NOW! ILL EXPLAIN LATER!

Cameron I didnโ€™t do it I swear OH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

by The Busboy1 April 13, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Super sweet and a great friend! Cameron is very artistic and knows how to make people smile, plus, Cameron knows how to crack a joke during the right time, but can also be very mature in a serious situation.

Man, Cameron sure is cool^-^!

by Meme-Machine413 December 20, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cameron is honestly the greatest thing to ever bless this earth with his existence. He is trustworthy beyond anything and honestly worth dying for. He is fit, sweet and all in all a babe๐Ÿผ Get yourselves a cameron dude becasue you wont regret it and you will love him more than words can explain.

"hey yano cameron"
"omg i love him, i want to marry him"

by not a karen November 21, 2019


The sweetest person you will ever meet. His one and only true love begins with the letter a. He will go to the most extreme to make you happy. Camerons are fun, loving, and easy to talk to. Sometimes may be obnixious but has a sweeter, sensitive side he's not afraid to show. Camerons are creative and will say things that will make you laugh like no one else could. When it comes to looks, camerons have the hottest hair and a great body. His lips are the most kissable that you will ever come across. Once you find a cameron make sure you don't let him go because you will never find anyone else like him again. Camerons blow your mind away and become the only thing you can think about. They keep you lauging and always have something to say. They also say everything you want to hear to make you feel special and the luckiest person on earth. Camerons jam to country music and are funny dancers to watch. If you come across a cameron, don't let him go.

I met this really hot incredible man today, his name is Cameron.

by camcamrules February 10, 2010

362๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž


Camerons are more than likely going to be one of the sweetest girls you'll ever meet. Very often she will be smart, and extremely good-looking. Her smile will send a thousand rose-petals off the ground, just spinning around your heart. Camerons tend to be very trustworthy, but it takes a lot for a Cameron to trust another. She will always know exactly what to say to make you smile; flirty or true. She tends to be a big flirt, but when she finds a guy to settle down with, she will stop. Camerons have a lot of friends, and are very good in sports. She will fall in love very fast, and truly. She wont lie to you. She'll do basically anything she can just to make her one-and-only happy, even if that means going to the extreme. Can often be clingy, but in a cute way. She will always be there for you in any time of need. If you don't have a Cameron as a friend (or more) already, it's time you head off and get one!

She is gorgeous! Is her name Cameron?

That girl over there, Cameron, is so sweet!

I wish I was a Cameron!

I wish I had a Cameron.

Love me, Cameron.

by Sweet Sista April 9, 2011

126๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž