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Dasha is a person who solos very much

“hey have you seen that girl Dasha?”
yea, she solos”

by Laylaislife March 18, 2022


Dasha is the most amazing girl you’ve ever met! she is funny and beautiful, always in a good mood. you can be grateful to have a dasha in your life! she will always listen to you and will always trying to understand your point of view.

person1: damn who’s that chick she’s so funny

person2: oh that’s dasha, she’s great isn’t she?

by lizard187 January 2, 2022


Dasha is the most amazing girl you’ve ever met! she is funny and beautiful, always in a good mood. you can be grateful to have a dasha in your life! she will always listen to you and will always trying to understand your point of view.

person1: damn who’s that chick she’s so funny

person2: oh that’s dasha, she’s great isn’t she?

by lizard187 January 2, 2022


A stinky girl who loves feet. She luuuuuuuvs to suck on those fat sweaty toes.

1: that person is so weird
2: her name must be dasha
1: that foot loving freak
2:lets get her unaccepted from Stonybrook

by Brook1256 October 12, 2022


SUMMUM BONUM; the greatest good for the greatest number.

you: Hi, Dasha!!
Dasha: SUMMUM BONUM! *runs away*

by gandalfs_souljaboy February 18, 2021