Source Code


short verbalism of DPS. (Damage Per Second) Generally used in the mmorpg World Of Warcraft.

Gah nub, you're slacking on the deeps.

by Pogomoxy September 19, 2008

204πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž

That's deep

A turn of phrase generally used by people who feel the need to comment on something and yet at the same time have absolutely NO idea what they just read but would like to come off as intelligent.

Poster: β€œWe felt we were doomed to die and say how powerless we were to help ourselves; but that was good, for then we put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us.” II Corinthians 1:9

Comment from someone: That's deep

by Electric Nerd February 10, 2010

136πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

in deep

Descibes a way of realllyy lovin and obessing ova someone

Nick iz in deep with Shawna

by BabyDizz April 30, 2005

39πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

It’s not that deep

A phrase that emphasizes that the topic being discussed is not something of extreme concern/significance

Wick, don’t be too blown about losing in poker, it’s not that deep it’s just money
It’s okay to have 69 with your ex, as long as you say β€œit’s not that deep” afterwards!

by Mdrzik26 December 19, 2019

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


When one individual responds to a sarcastic statement with retaliation and takes it way too far.

A. Hey whats that food? looks like roadkill.

B. Atleast I can cook. Dude your just so fat because your lazy and all you eat is pizza and chips and burgers and waffles and pancakes and candy. Why don't you sort yourself out before having a go at anyone else? hypocrite.

A. ...Deep! God damn you always take it too far!

by tomtomthepipersson May 24, 2009

34πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


a harsh insult

Chav 1: ur face looks like a baboons ass
Nerd: begins to cry
Chav 2: *laughing* deep man, deep

by DJ Jim-E August 17, 2009

188πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


a.When an event happens, for example, a statement is declared, and it fits the situation too perfectly to be a coincidence. A noticeable pattern emerges.

b. Someone says something that unintentionally reveals much more information about themselves that you didn't necessarily want to know.

c. Intense and philosophical.

Deep is relevant to individual happenings, usually when flirting with someone.

by Elizabethdmy April 8, 2010

17πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž