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cheese dibbles

the most amazing cheese invention known to man (and the hole universe) it gets supsended then it dippaseers like an amazing bootie magician.

cheese dibbles are like sweatie mom jeans they taste good.

by MrHotsauce February 17, 2017

Dibble Dabble

Intense water game involving a small stick. One player deposits the stick in the water by either:

A.) holding it in his or her hand and diving to the bottom and letting go
B.) putting the stick between his or her toes, jumping in, and letting go at the bottom

The other players wait on the dock until they see the stick. When a person sees it, her or she must yell dibble dabble before attempting to get the stick. Whoever gets the stick is the winner, and then must be the one who deposits the stick in the water ("takes it down").

Points are rewarded for each successful retrieval of the stick.

A-"I got it!"
B-"Yeah, but you didn't say dibble dabble, so you don't get a point!"

by young jeffeezy December 4, 2006

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cheezy dibbles


Cheezy Dibbles? Oh yeah, Wyatt, he got staff chat perms from "someone" cross dressing.

by emocean October 16, 2020

dibble munt

The act of shooing a woman in the face as she sucks your dick.

Oh yeah, that bitch cheated on me. She's definitely getting the dibble munt tonight.

by BobbyBigNigga October 29, 2015

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dibble dabble

when you record a song/ mixtape by playing a beat in the background and rapping into the mic on your computer. this usually comes with free beats from youtube and a terrible quality microphone

1. when crizzy did proof 1 he dibble dabbled the entire mixtape by playing shit beats and rapping over them. the quality due to this dibble dabbling was shit.

2. when Mc lav recorded the song dibble dabble he dibble dabbled the whole thing and it came out like shitt.

by some fresh ass guido January 10, 2010

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scribble dibble

to write, draw, or color, in a crazy way on any type surface that can be written on.

I don't have my homework because my little sister scribble dibbled all over it.

by Melissa Munger June 26, 2007

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skibble dibble

(1) A phrase that my best friend and I made up. We're not exactly sure what it means, but it can be used for many different situations.

(2)Often it is used when there can be no other answer to a difficult question.

(1) Alex: "Man, you're little sister is really annoying."
Ryan: "Yeah, she's a little skibble."

(2) Girlfriend: "So who was that chick you were with last
**a brief pause**
You: "Skibble dibble."

by 66Mustang August 24, 2007

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