Source Code


To present a needed task, job, or duty as a choice when it is actually a command. Either due to the audacity of the assignment, the lack of communication skills of the assignor, or both.

My boss is so passive-directive. He's always like, "Umm yeeah, I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday, ummkay?"

by Ben354 November 26, 2007

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Direct Deposit

Right before ejaculation, shoving ones penis down the throat of the recipiant thus directly depositing the goods into the stomach.

She said that she didn't like the taste so I gave her a direct deposit.

by JJB1600 January 5, 2009

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Direct Weather

A misinformation specialist on YouTube who claims he is good at forecasting weather when in reality he has little deep understanding of the science of Meteorology and just provides bugs-bunny graphics and inaccurate forecasts to people who know even less than he does

That direct weather guy called for a historically severe weather season and it was one of the least active on record. What a bunch of BS. Plus wasnโ€™t he also forecasting a historically cold winter and it was one of the warmest ever?

by Illmathematical September 25, 2020

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One Direction

A UK boyband that makes girls all over the world sexually frustrated and angry.
Tumblr girls know the most information about these boys, anyone who slags them will be destroyed. One Directions fans (Directioners) are named 'the deadliest of fandoms'

they have the power to find out ANYTHING and EVERYTHONG

Louis Tomlinson
One Direction
Harry Styles
Niall Horan
Liam Payne
Zayn Malik

by ilove1d October 24, 2011

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pulling a direct

Talking about your sexual life with your partner to such a degree it's cringe worthy. Commonly seen with excessive continuation of talking about it when asked to stop.

Ryan: Dude, my pants feel wet after Cumming to my girlfriend's nudes, I didn't clean it off or nothin'.

Jerry: Bruh, stop pulling a direct. Fucking weirdo.

by rivsz June 27, 2021

Directional Cancellation

A term used in video games.

The act of cancelling your shots mid-air, essentially depending on luck on whether your hits connect or not.

His directional cancellation is insanely lucky!

by htrgtjoiwrfoewefew September 5, 2021

direct sunlight

Direct sunlight

The mortal enemy and known weakness of gamers.

Direct sunlight is sunlight that shines onto a growing boy at full strength, with nothing getting between the sunlight and the child.

by widget master November 12, 2018