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Sexy Dorito

When a man has the stature of a god, he has a much wider upper torso than lower torso thereby creating a triangle shape when viewed from the front or back. It often comes paired with the chiseled abs of a Greek God.

When a dorito is held side by side to this godly stature, it is nearly indistinguishable.

By default of being a sexy muscular man and having the body shape of a dorito, the term sexy dorito is coined.

Damn Joe looking like a sexy dorito! I bet chicks are all over you!

by dorito luver 6969 November 5, 2021

Caveat Dorito

Beware skinny girls who like junk food

Rube: I went to the movies with Kristy and she ate a whole bag of buttered popcorn. I don't know how she stays so skinny
Wiseguy: Caveat Dorito pal.

by Cool Hand Duke October 2, 2007


One who steals bags of chips out from in front of grocery stores between 12:20am and 1:00am

Hide the chips here comes the Dorito-Bandito

by grootey July 10, 2009

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Flamas Doritos

Only true gangsters eat these hot Doritos. Their Cheeto equivalent is Flaming Hot.

Will, "Should I get those Flamas Doritos?"

Friend, "Hell no. Only Jaquavious can eat those."

by WKUMAN November 3, 2019


When you crush Doritos into a fine powder, then snort them and get the weirdest high that might include Jesus Shrek and a Mtn. Dew waterfall.

Imma poor teenager and cant afford real drugs, so Imma DORITO INHALER !!!!!!

by RESPECTABLE KOREAN October 20, 2017

Tapatio Doritos

The greatest tasting tortilla chips known to mankind. Watch out though, they're highly addictive. You may find yourself eating 2 whole large bags in one sitting, even if you aren't stoned.

Ryan:Dude this is my 5th bag of tapatio doritos this week.
Brandon: That's it? I'm on my 8th.
Ryan: I'll be right back, I'm going to winco for more!

by odo55 April 5, 2013

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Dorito Dust

The unavoidable layer of cheese powder that covers your fingertips and lips while eating Doritos of any flavor.

After eating half a bag of Doritos I found my hands covered in Dorito Dust.

by clairezeee February 6, 2008

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