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blood drenched frozen tampon popsicle

the BEST comeback ever, no one will ever be able to top it or know what to say after you hit them with it! :D

stupid asshole: "You're such a douchebag!"

by cutie with a bootie May 25, 2008

31👍 16👎

drenched in the sauce

a bunch of Quiznos chipotle mayo

excuse me.. are you.. drenched in the sauce?”

by Jaisynda August 13, 2023

Drench Run

The art of running and leaping towards your partner and aiming your dick precisely in her ass just like the trench run, making her explode and drench all over with blood and cum…

How’s the wife dude?
Good, just did a Drench Run and now she’s in the hospital

by mbethel8 October 10, 2023

Drenched Dilbert

Similar to a Wet Willy, but much wetter.

I’m going to give you the biggest Drenched Dilbert.

by Doghair7709 January 28, 2023

Drenched Daniel

The act of sticking your erect penis into a toilet that has been at least pissed in, and then sticking it in someone's ear.

"Dude, I just gave him a Drenched Daniel! You should've seen the look on his face!"

by novacr May 9, 2021

sheep drench

Is a painful way to hurt your friend by hooking your finger in his mouth and pulling against the mouth. It resembles the way sheep are given anti-parasitic medicine. A double sheep drench pulls the mouth from either side which is extremely painful and should be used cautiously.

That was the most painful sheep drench I've ever had.

by Oz Slang November 30, 2021

Drench Hole

To dry off every part of ones self but in between your butt cheeks.

After showering, I accidentally left myself with a drench hole.

by Dougyyyyy June 2, 2015