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by Adlane33 March 13, 2021

decimal fraction

Used in a minority of countries to pretend the presence of a metric system, when in fact a non-metric system is used. Instead of using a designated smaller unit or real fraction, the bigger unit is used with a decimal point.

More often used in combination with the decimal system to describe numbers that are not even.

Geoff: “It’m 6 feet and 5 inches tall.”

Heidi: “uh… I only know the metric system.”

Geoff: “Oh, sorry. That’s 6 5/12 feet.”

Heidi: “That’s a real fraction, not metric, though.”

Geoff: “Oh right. I mean 6.42 feet.”

Heidi: “OK, that’s a decimal fraction alright, but still not metric 🤣”
Geoff: “Hey Siri, what’s 6 feet and 5 inches in metric?”
Siri: “6 feet, 5 inches is equivalent to about 1.96 meters.”

by Phrackle April 11, 2021


The almost impossible ability to separate facts from fiction due to the tiny amount of probable truth we as humans today... have obtained.

The older I get, the more I see SCIENCE-FRACTION as a sad condition. Until we can find more absolute science... it’s often just guessing.

by Major T. May 3, 2019

Fractional Genocide

The act of murdering the fractions in an equation by multiplying by a common denominator.

Mr. Nolan: Alright, so we hate these fractions in this equation, so let's kill them. This is Fractional Genocide.

by Mercalicious April 4, 2012


Divided after friction, or repelled by magnetic force

After I saw her snap and bend I wanted to talk to Fractionate, but I considered she may be to good to eat.

by midikurlips June 7, 2019


To make anything into a fraction.

There is five of us and one pizza. Who wants to fractionate it?

by FrostedCheerios April 29, 2010

Fractional CMO

A person who is a fraction of a chief marketing officer (CMO) because their intelligence is limited to <10% of an average CMO. Note: Average CMO intelligence is ~10% of average human intelligence, therefore fractional CMOs provide ~1% ability of what you could do for yourself.

If you have <1% of time free, hire a fractional CMO.

by Rubication September 23, 2022