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Fraternity Girl

College girl of questionable morals or intelligence, who dehumanizes herself to the point of becoming a mere sperm receptacle for Frat boys.

You better glove up before you shag Allison, she's a Fraternity Girl.

by MomFatale September 29, 2011

5308πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž

Fraternal Twins

("fraternal"), meaning that each twin develops from two different eggs and each egg is fertilized by its own sperm cell. We can be passed as best friends even though we are fraternal twins. We are basically siblings but we are the same age so its different we share such a strong bond we hang out all the time.

Girl: Wait shes your twin? I thought you guys where best friends
Me:yeah shes my twin, we are fraternal twins we don't look alike.

by Ambarguessa May 26, 2018

Fraternal matrimony

An intense emotional relationship between two heterosexual males that, while non-sexual in nature, exceeds the boundaries of a traditional bromance.

A year after pledging the same fraternity, Harry and Gabe reached a state of fraternal matrimony and became the envy of their fellow brothers.

Fraternal matrimony is legal in California.

by King Bro July 1, 2009

34πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Fraternal Nirvana

The highest level of frat possible for a bro to achieve.

One can only reach this sacred level by completing various tasks such as but not limited to:
- Purchasing and owning a Jeep (Cherokee not included)
- Losing virginity (Twice)
- Leaving no alcohol undrank at the function

- Being the hardest and steeziest jit at all gatherings

And many more that haven’t been discovered yet.

It is said that Fraternal Nirvana is just a legend and cannot possibly be achieved, but some die hard believers still cling to the hope that they may one day reach this legendary status.

Brodie 1: NAWW admiral toting the Jersey-Over-Hoodie combo, no way jit ain’t leaving with tail!
Brodie 2: Bombopreesh allat🀘Caught me tryna reach that Fraternal Nirvana.

by Niche Internet Microcelebrity June 9, 2022

Triangle Fraternity

A fraternity with strong core values that brings about a brotherhood. They are know for their diversity in various fields.
Its a fraternity for engineers, architects and scientists. Men with brains who know how party and maintain a equal balance

Kasie: Dude he's a traingle.
Jake: I know, I rushed Triangle fraternity they are very selective in their interview review process.
Kasie: I loved their tribal party
Jake: I couldn't get past the line

by Alpha phi sister October 24, 2009

292πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž

fraternity soda

Beer. The beverage of choice of all frat boys. Guess what-- it's not Coca-Cola in that keg, sister. Frat boys drink so much fraternity soda that they refer to actual soda as "non-fraternity soda".

Frat boy #1: Dude, my dad owns a dealership...
Frat boy #2: Yo, let's go drink some fraternity sodas.
Frat boy #3: Word, let's do this.
Frat boy #4: Let's go. When that pledge wakes up from the coma, tell him to sack up and drink more.
Pledge: <<heart stops beating>>

by Count Christoph von Stoph-Stopherson September 24, 2007

79πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Fraternal Twins

A pair of twins born at the same time, fertilized by two different sperm. Fraternal twins can be boy-girl, boy-boy, or girl-girl. Fraternal twins normally dont look the same, as identical twins do. But fraternal twins do share alot of the same bonds, as identical twins.

Jake and Jill are twins but they are fraternal twins, not identical twins.

by Sarah144 March 30, 2010

51πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž