Source Code


#1. To be an ass.
#2. To be ass-like.

Also see House-hole.

#1. " I can't beleive you said that! You are such a house!"
#2. " Take that back you, house!"

by Michael House August 28, 2007

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by Fallcano November 9, 2020

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If you don't know what a house means then ur a retard.

Look! U don't know what a house means so you decided to check it up in the Urban Dictionary...!

by AverageJoe1219 April 17, 2018

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IT'S THE FUCKING THING YOU LIVE IN. Except if your homeless and don't have one you lazy piece of shit.

Me: hey man my wife burned my house can I crash at your place
Mate: yea sure

by Shit monster November 24, 2017

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House House

A building or room allocated for the playing of house music. No poon is allowed

Man, Jack was doing some crazy shit in the house house!

by leeegs May 1, 2011

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House House

1) termiknowledge used to express one's agreement, acceptance of something
2) termiknowledge used to express praise of something.

Other real estate termiknowledge can be used in the place of House House (Duplex, Houses, Igloo Igloo).

Example 1

Person 1: Should've seen me at Cranston Lanes last night. I was throwing some rocks..... Got 3 strikes in a row, wild turkey, baby!!!!!

Person 2: House House!!!!!

Example 2

Person 1: Hey where's the nearest Dunkin' Donuts?????

Person 2: Alright, let me see. Do you know where Reservior Ave Burger King is?????

Person 1: House House.

Person 2: Well it's right across the street, bitch.

Example 3

Bonds' 2002 season was some Century 21 bullshit, muthafucka. Dude was off the fuckin' charts..... Houses to Bonds.

by benpedro October 4, 2003

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Not in THIS house

"Not in THIS house" is a phrase used to let someone know that whatever they're doing/saying is highly inappropriate. Often used in a joking manner.

Tommy is saying goodnight to his girlfriend at his parents house. An act which his parents mistake for him having sex. His mom pulls him aside and yells "Not in THIS house!"

John: "Dude your sister is so hot!"
Jack: "Not in THIS house!"

by jdizzledinmypants January 18, 2009

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