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TikTok human beings

Human beans who use TikTok to survive and who spend all day dancing and lip-singing for their TikTok videos.

Guys, she's one of TikTok human beings. She spent her whole day uploading videos. She survives by doing it.

by nopeakaphamminhteky1 June 11, 2024

human being

Mankind+Womankind+Everybody. You. Me. Everyone reading this. Then your a human being. Or a computer. Which is closer and closer every day. All hail the AI overlord.

Not to be confused with a "decent human being" or a "horrible human being" which are something else entirely.

Its never to early to sell out human being(s) for a pat on the head.

That guy on social media seems less and less like a human being every day.

by PPete December 12, 2021

filler human being

People who are just there to fill the spot and someone that no one really cares about. Do you know what i mean?

Some people aren't destined for greatness. You'r a filler human being.

by babyyoyo23 February 28, 2023

Mentally Challenged Human Being

A place that is full of people who are mentally challenged, retarded, autistic, and anti-social

bro your such a mentally challenged human being

by Axqw July 13, 2023