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Janus adjective

A Janus is when somthing bad happens a lot to somthing or someone often.

Example 1
Person 1: man I've had a really Janus day.

Person 2: oh? Why?

Person 1: I fell down a flight of stairs and then lost my wallet.

Example 2

Person 1: Today really has been a Janus kind of day

by midnightstorm1000 November 9, 2022


Janu means pure and innocent heart. People with this name don't even know how to hurt a being.

You searching for happiness. Get friend named janu

by November 23, 2021


When you think something is stupid or dumb

That is so freaking Janus

by Bob dove June 29, 2024


A strange person in general a janu loves to play pc games only he will play ultrakill and Tf2 for billions of hours then he will lie on his bed for the rest of the day and night and hop back on when taunted if he hears his mating call he will maybe play Grab that auto 69

I wanna go hangout with janu

by POIUTER September 30, 2022

Dirty Janus

A fuckboi who will smash the clitoris til it explode and then swallow all the liquid

I slept with a dirty Janus and he ate my pussy

by Sugarbearthingzz May 31, 2022