Source Code


being overly pretentious when it comes to the use of the English language

Friend 1: I'll let her shirley, my secretary, know. Maybe she can move a few of my appointments around and pencil you in
Friend 2: .....You totally just jeweled.

Friend 1: Can you tell me the amount of people in this room?" Friend 2: No but I can tell you the number of people!
Friend 1: You're Jeweling so hard right now...

by Phatchicken October 16, 2012

31๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Jeweler

For women: When you are having sex with a guy you don't like, have them place anal beads in your ass and when he is about to cum, have him yank the anal beads out of your ass quickly, making you shit all over him.

Rember that asshole Brian that cheated on me? Well I gave him the jeweler last night.

by russiandoc April 12, 2010


The most beautiful and amazing person ever to live in this universe. And if you (Kody) have her as a girl you better keep her forever cause she is perfect and you are the luckiest guy EVER!!!

That girl is Jewels

by Ko317 August 23, 2009

216๐Ÿ‘ 107๐Ÿ‘Ž


Jewell is a female name.

It is used for someone who is outlandish, peculiar, outside of the box. This person likes films that nobody understands and taking artsy black and white photos. For ease rather than skill they'll probably also own a Mac at one point in their life just because.

Stew: Hey Dave, who painted random shapes on the wall?
Dave: Weird, it must've been Jewell.

I have no bloody idea what that movie was about, it was too Jewell for me.

by Craterfacefive June 17, 2008

90๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


The affectionate term for a friend that gets nut tagged regularly. No one would be suprised if/when he finds out hes actually sterile and has been so for quite some time. Jewells also gets hurt quite often in other pointless self inflicted ways but at least its fun to be around him.

Tom: Did you here what happened to Sean?
Jim: No what?
Tom: He was kicked in the nutts by a mule... repetedly...
Jim: When will Jewells learn...

by McFluffy1 September 28, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


a man's balls

"The bigger the penis, the bigger the jewels."

by Anonymous November 4, 2003

226๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


When one can't type or spell in a group chat

JewelitisDamn I just got Jewelitis

by Wow foreal jewels December 19, 2016