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Mikolas Josef

Mikolas Josef, a Czech god. With a jawline that can cut steel. Abs that can wash clothes. Always stays hydrated. Pancakes lover. Steady plenty motherfuckers hater. GREAT singer, i suggest listening to Abu Dhabi. thx for reading.

"yo, what's up?"


for any mention of Mikolas Josef

by teammiki March 30, 2019

Mikolas Josef

Mikolas Josef is an amazing and lovely czech guy. His second name is «A Walking Meme». He's very hard-working that's why he always serves bops. Mikolas Josef loves his fans and he treats them with kindness. Also he likes to use the word "soon" which translated to miki-language means either in 2 years or NEVER. His favourite emojis are 🍑👋 (don't ask why)

Example 1: Ugh i wish i was a Mikolas Josef

Example 2:

Mikolas Josef : new music is coming
teammiki: when?
Mikolas Josef : sOoN
teammiki: *plays spongebob one eternity later time card*

by @mikolas.alb June 18, 2019

josef yousri

a pretty big weeabo

youre such a josef yousri

by spammedaddy September 30, 2017

leah josef

red ball

Oh my god! It‘s red ball - leah josef!“

by jessika772 August 20, 2018

Josef Charro

(Verb)~ to Josef Charro. When someone who used to be a close friend rarely makes time for you, because he spends all his time with his girlfriend

Mike: yoo bro wanna hit the clubs tonight?
Steve: nah can’t bro i’m going to the movies with my girlfriend.

Mike: don’t Josef Charro me you motherfucker.

by Gabro63 December 1, 2017

Josef Hudak

The fastest man alive. Ran a sub 6:30 mile, long jumps over 15 feet, jumps 5 feet high.

Josef Hudak is the most athletic person at my school!

by Smyan Das d rider August 31, 2022

josef vöro

Sips on pommac

Hot weeb: Who’s that guy with the pommac in the cp truck?

Shrekslayer: oh it’s just josef vöro!

by Sausyballsack69 March 26, 2021